Sunday, March 19, 2006

We're off and there's no looking back!

It was nice to see so many people crocheting this afternoon at the church. A hearty welcome to our newest member, Paul, who joined us last week.

We've come so far in only 3 weeks. Here's a snapshot of our progress:
  • Five - 12" squares have been completed (incredible progress!!) and I haven't even started mine yet
  • 3 people are working on 12" Yo-Yo squares
  • 1 person is making a modified square from the 63 granny square afghan book
  • 3-4 people are making traditional granny squares
  • The remaining crocheters are refining their stitches (single crochet and double crochet)
Leanne has taken the completed granny squares home and has volunteered to sew in the loose ends - way to go Leanne! We need to decide what we're going to do with our first blanket. I think it'll be completed much sooner than I thought!

Kudos to:
  • Martha who has completed 3 - 6" granny squares.
  • Phyllis who has picked some complex-looking square patterns for her gorgeous 12" squares
  • Gwen who has some pretty impressive colour-work in her 12" squares.
Next week, I'll spend about 20-30 minutes devoting time to reading crochet patterns. I noticed that a few of our crocheters have crocheted before but had difficulty reading patterns. If you have a pattern at home that has mystified you, please bring it with you to next Sunday's meeting and we'll decifer it.

Also next Sunday, I'll be bringing a crochet skills inventory for everyone to complete. Essentially, if you can check off the skills that you've learned, you'll have a better idea of where you are in your learning curve. Once you have all the skills checked on your list, you can move on to the next level.

So far, I have the following skills on the inventory list:
  • Slip knots
  • Chains (ch)
  • Single crochet (sc)
  • Double crochet (dc)
  • Slip stitch (sl st)
  • Finishing off (FO)
  • Sewing in ends
  • Reading a basic pattern
I forgot to bring the flipchart sheet home that had all the skills listed. If I've missed something that you remember seeing on the sheet, just note it in the comments for me.

Finally, I need to remember to bring my camera with me next week. I'd love to get a photo of the squares that have been completed so I can post them to the blog.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday. Excellent work!